Whether you’re bouncing around on the road, feeling a "pull" to the left or right, or maybe just hitting that 50,000 mile mark, it may be time to get your shocks & struts looked at by the professionals at Lincoln Auto Repair. Shocks & struts are a vital part of your vehicles suspension and how smoothly it runs and operates. Struts tend to be more commonly located on cars while shocks are usually associated with trucks, jeeps, and SUV's.

There are a few common signs that may signal you need your shocks or struts checked:

  • Any type of leaking fluid coming from the shocks or struts
  • A rougher than normal ride
  • Excessive or uneven tire tread wear
  • Dented or damaged shocks or struts
  • Vehicle front end "dips" when applying brakes

Our techs make the necessary adjustments to ensure your car is performing as efficiently as possible. With the increased control, smoother ride, faster braking, and overall better sense of comfort, you will see a noticeable difference on the road!

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