Lincoln Auto Repair is your one stop repair shop for auto electrical repair, tune-ups, and maintenance in Lincoln, NE. Your vehicle’s electrical system is an extremely sophisticated mix of machinery and computer technology. Many modern cars are leaving behind the traditional display of information in favor of digital readouts while still including exciting new technology to assist you while driving. This can lead to one or two blown fuses causing all sorts of unexplained issues.

The best thing you can do is to familiarize yourself with your vehicle’s electrical system and take a few precautions against any type of automotive electrical failure. The more you know about your own vehicle, the better you will be able to take care of it.


When your car is properly tuned, the ignition system, fuel system, emission system and computer system are all working together. This results in peak combustion chamber efficiency, saving you money at the gas pump and making sure your car is emitting a minimum amount of pollutants. Many people assume an auto tune up will solve a drive-ability problem. That’s not always the case. Our experts at Lincoln Auto Repair perform a tune up verification to confirm that your car will benefit from an auto tune up. Your problem may be unrelated to a tune up and may need an engine diagnosis.

What does an auto tune-up include?

  • Tune-up verification
  • Replacement of spark plugs
  • Analysis of emission levels
  • Timing/idle speed adjustment (if adjustable)
  • Complete maintenance inspection

There are three big milestones that you need to keep in mind: 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles and 90,000 miles.

The 30, 60, 90 mile maintenance service does the following:

  • The vehicle’s components and systems are inspected and evaluated
  • You will receive a future schedule of components and systems in your vehicle that are recommended to be changed (specific to your vehicle’s model)
  • A record of recommendation of services by the technician
  • Factory recommendations for your vehicle under normal and severe driving conditions

What are the benefits of the 30, 60, 90 mile maintenance program?

  • Protects your vehicle’s warranty
  • Maximizes resale value of the vehicle
  • Reduces risk of breaking down
  • Extends life of all components and systems in the vehicle
  • Safer driving conditions
  • Maximization of fuel economy

As you can see, there are many benefits of the 30, 60, 90 mile maintenance program. The overall benefits and money will always outweigh the time and money you spend on getting your car serviced.

Here are just some of the services that will be applied to your vehicle (IF NECESSARY):

Replace Spark Plugs Replace Fuel Filter Replace Vent Filter
Inspect Belts/Hoses Lube, Oil, & Filter Brake Inspection
Tire Pressure Check Brake Fluid Flush Suspension/Shock Check
Air Filter Replacement Flush Coolant System Check Emissions

Visit us today and experience our exceptional customer service. From automatic window issues to blown fuses, it’s our goal at Lincoln Auto Repair to always provide great service and high-quality workmanship at a fair price. Our friendly staff is waiting to help you with any of you auto repair needs.

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